Around New Market
If you live in the Shenandoah Valley or are visiting our area in the coming months, you’ll find plenty of spring events to keep you busy. On Saturday, March 24th, for instance, New Market’s free Community Easter Egg Hunt will take place at 10 AM. While children under age 10 are invited to hunt for eggs, everyone can enjoy games and activities on site. If you attend with a child, please remind them to bring their own Easter basket for the egg hunt.
In April, enjoy the annual Gardens, Galleries, & Grapes event in New Market and beyond. Shenandoah County manages this festival along the “O Shenandoah County Artisan Trail,” which includes dozens of studios, farms, vineyards, and more. Held on April 28th and 29th, the weekend offerings range from tours and tastings to demonstrations and exhibits. For more information as this year’s event is planned and vendors are added, check
Resident Announcement
A very warm welcome to our new residents:
Shirley Hupp, Bernard Meadows and Karl Kopp
You may be gone from my sight,
but you are never gone from my heart.
In Memory of
Leonard Estep, Doris Barb, Kathryn “Kay” Smilski, and Paul Shutters
Activity Spotlight: The Old Becomes New Again
Dementia takes a person’s newest memories first. That’s why many of our residents remember people, events, or objects from decades ago, but cannot recall more recent moments. Relatively new items like smartphones, flat screen TV’s, and electric stoves may be exciting to some of us, but they can be confusing or upsetting to our residents.
Instead of pushing people with dementia to adapt to the modern world, we believe in prioritizing their comfort whenever possible. At home, this can mean staying patient when “Mom” doesn’t push the right buttons on the remote or understand the cell phone. Here at the Terrace, it also means designing engaging activities that make the past fun!
In late January, we held a reminiscing activity that made the most of our community’s affection for the past. Residents passed around objects such as an antique camera, vintage cards, photographs, jewelry, sewing supplies, and old-fashioned kitchen tools. They were eager to demonstrate that they remembered many of these items and their uses, too. One resident turned an eggbeater. Another “took a picture” with the camera, aiming it from his waist as was customary with that model!
When we reintroduce residents to familiar objects that they recognize and feel comfortable with, it makes for a great time. If you come across any items you think our community might appreciate, please feel free to bring them by the Terrace.
Flu Update
With flu season well underway, we’d like to issue a few important reminders about how the illness affects our facility. A little prevention can help slow the spread of this serious illness.
- If you are having any flu-like symptoms or recently may have been exposed to the flu, please do not visit the Terrace. Flu can incubate for several days before and after its symptoms show up, and it is contagious during that time. Symptoms to look out for include: fever or chills, cough, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, headache, fatigue, diarrhea, and vomiting.
- If you do stop by our facility during flu season, please wash your hands and/or use hand sanitizer before and during your visit. Do not assume that a flu shot will keep you from getting or spreading the flu, as its estimated effectiveness is poor this year. Also note that it possible to get the flu more than once in a season by contracting a different strain. No one is completely immune.
- Please remember that, in the event of a flu outbreak at the Terrace, restrictions will be placed on visitation. This policy protects our already-compromised residents from other bacteria and viruses that could be brought in. It also helps limit the spread of existing illness.
We take the flu seriously, especially because it is a virus with no real treatment. Though Tamiflu can be used preventatively or to lessen symptoms, it does not stop the flu from running its course. Our community appreciates your help and wishes you a healthy season.
Activity Training
“We’re proud to stay up-to-date and engaged with the latest recommendations for memory care. In January, we hosted a session for Activity Professionals completing their 40 hours of training to be state certified. The training was DSS-approved and taught by a representative of the Alzheimer’s Association. We appreciate the hard work and dedication of everyone involved!”